Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Eleven Days to Open House

The new kittens have grown a lot, more than doubling their weight in the past couple of weeks. They are still cute, as kittens are. We call them Catties a lot, that is what granddaughter Two came up with when she saw them, kind of a cross between kittens and cats I guess. I’m delivering them to the clinic for a bit of preventative surgery this morning. We’ll miss them tonight, but they will be back tomorrow.
Eleven days to go to the open house. I got a folder of photos together for a slide show. Daughter One will add hers, Papa is bringing some home from his office to scan. With any luck, that will be done in time. Daughter Three managed to borrow chairs from her place of employment. We will send grandsons One and Two to pick them up the night before. That is a big thing off the list. Papa started picking up his tools and other possessions and organizing his garage space. We will only be putting food in the garage, but some items need to be moved.
Carpet in the house looks nice now. Kitchen is much cleaner. Bathroom here I come! The foundation isn’t painted yet, the wind was too high again yesterday. It’s starting out frosty again this morning, oh well.
The company were Papa works is being acquired by a management group backed by investors. This will be ownership change number 4 in the 28 years he’s worked there. It’s hard to tell what will happen, but the past couple of years have been rough, perhaps this will improve things a bit. Papa just wants to do his job until he reaches retirement age, he isn’t interested in a roller coaster ride.