Monday, May 22, 2006
It’s Monday, blue Monday

My Dad used to survey the weather each morning and assign a color. Blue and gray were common selections. Actually today is a beautiful day, if chilly. The sun is out and the rain is gone, at least for a while. I’m blue because nothing that I need to have done is done, (and I’m once again writing for a blog that no one reads). I need to get a hold of my self!
The chairs are progressing but won’t be done for the party, oh well. Daughters One and Three cooperated and filled all the patio pots with flowers over the weekend while Papa and I sat in lawn chairs, watched a little music and visited with old friends. When we got home Sunday I worked on my lawn chair project while Papa mowed.
When I finally got to my e-mail, in came the frost warning from I knew it would, I still have an earache from the cold wind over the weekend.
So, Daughter One has grandsons One and Two bring all the newly planted pots into the garage. It was full before that maneuver. Papa and I covered all the tomato and pepper plants in the garden. It’s still muddy enough out there that we sunk almost ankle deep. And frost it did come, it froze quite hard. The plants in the garage are safe, I haven’t checked the garden yet, too muddy.
Papa mowed the lawn yesterday, it looks great. It should, he put new blades on both mowers, and did everything himself, including trimming. He hasn’t been to happy with the job the hired help does—that’s me—but it looks great now. I did try to help, but my string trimmer, small and lady-like has died. I can’t handle the big gas one, and if I could, I couldn’t start it.
On the bright side, the sun is shining, the world is round, three loads of wash are done, 4 and 5 are in the washer and dryer, the kitchen/dining room carpet is half cleaned, the storm windows are down from the dining room window and in the basement, and there is no wind. I will be painting the foundation by noon.