Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Cars, Campers, Trains, Bikes

So, here I am at McDonalds in Charlotte, Michigan. Now, if it weren’t for the internet I wouldn’t be here. Or, if it weren’t that I need the internet today as a part of my civic obligation, I wouldn’t be here. No it’s not this humble blog. If you live anywhere in Michigan you might want to check out the press release I just posted on the CACC website. I help that fine organization with their site. In fact, if you live in Michigan you might want to get involved and assist CACC in their noble mission, opportunities abound. If you live anywhere else, this press release is still worth a gander.

My route is the fun part. Last night, after we had a quick sandwich Papa drove Lex, I drove his car. We set up last night in a corner of the camping area, or more accurately, parked. We made the rounds, putting our chairs up front near this weekend’s action and visiting with friends and acquaintances. We watched a little hockey, we retired.

This morning, with Papa safely off to work in the Motor City, I placed my computer in my backpack (!), put the backpack in my bike basket, and rode myself down here to Mickey D’s to make the post, read my e-mail and so on. With no excuses, I decided to bore you with my day so far. Now, no self-respecting grandmother would do this type thing, but I gave up on convention years ago. So, here I am with my apple and diet coke, posting on the blog no-one reads.

Oh yes, the trains. For whatever reason, Charlotte seems to be something of a crossroads of trains. Now, there are no trains in the suburbs, or at least in my suburb. I remember trains from my small-town youth, but there is nothing like a few nights over here to refresh the old memory. There are train whistles all night. Really. It takes a day or two to get used to it and be able to sleep.

There is a reason for the trip, the music, the fun, and the friends. The 34th annual Charlotte (Michigan) Bluegrass Festival begins Thursday. The line up is good; we’ll see some friends in the audience, at the soundboard, in the campground, and on stage. We’ll visit, gossip, listen, learn, and enjoy. If you live in Michigan, joining us here is another worth-while activity. If you come, bring your bike and we’ll go for a ride! Now, if I can just ride back to Lex for a nap.

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